Posts by Category


Book Review: Candide by Voltaire

1 minute read

After being beaten, robbed, conscripted, lost, convicted, etc., Candide begins to understand the world in a different light.

Book Review: Ringworld by Larry Niven

1 minute read

Drivel. Nothing but sex and fridging. How this managed to win any sort of award, even in the 70s, is totally beyond me.

Book Review: Less is More

2 minute read

This book ripped the door right off my temple and has brought into full view the grinding paradox that I have been blithely skipping around on my way through...

Book Review: Strange Rites

less than 1 minute read

And here, next to the cage of internet trolls, we have a group of people who actually believe they sleep with Severus Snape sometimes!

Book Review: Promise of Blood

8 minute read

This was not a good book. The bones were there, but jenga-ed into a precarious tower that toppled in chapter 2. The reviews are so frighteningly good it make...

Book Review: Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance

3 minute read

A candid peek into a side of America that I had only ever seen in YouTube videos - mostly those involving people with too-small shirts screaming in Walmarts,...

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Book Review: Candide by Voltaire

1 minute read

After being beaten, robbed, conscripted, lost, convicted, etc., Candide begins to understand the world in a different light.

Book Review: Ringworld by Larry Niven

1 minute read

Drivel. Nothing but sex and fridging. How this managed to win any sort of award, even in the 70s, is totally beyond me.

Book Review: Less is More

2 minute read

This book ripped the door right off my temple and has brought into full view the grinding paradox that I have been blithely skipping around on my way through...

Book Review: Strange Rites

less than 1 minute read

And here, next to the cage of internet trolls, we have a group of people who actually believe they sleep with Severus Snape sometimes!

Book Review: Promise of Blood

8 minute read

This was not a good book. The bones were there, but jenga-ed into a precarious tower that toppled in chapter 2. The reviews are so frighteningly good it make...

Book Review: Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance

3 minute read

A candid peek into a side of America that I had only ever seen in YouTube videos - mostly those involving people with too-small shirts screaming in Walmarts,...

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The School

3 minute read

You were gone before I could say anything…

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The School

3 minute read

You were gone before I could say anything…

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